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local war [operations] 局部戰爭。


Armament , especially from the 1990s , has being improved dramatically owing to the development of science and technology . now various kinds of new weapons have been applied in military training and some local wars in the world . shrapnel , as an important new weapon , has also being put into common use 隨著科學技術的發展,特別是九十年代以來一些高科技的發展及其在軍事領域的應用,極大的促進了武器裝備的發展,一些新的武器裝備也在軍事訓練(軍事院校教學和部隊訓練)領域和一些局部戰爭中被廣泛應用。

Illustrates the theoretical and practical meanings of studying psychological warfare in high - tech local war , introduces the related study for psychological warfare in both home and abroad , makes a thorough explanation of the concept of psychological warfare , clarifies the types of psychological warfare from different points of view , reviews the history of psychological warfare , sums up the specific advantages of modern psychological warfare over traditional ones 首先闡述了研究現代高技術局部戰爭條件下的心理戰的理論意義與實踐意義,介紹了國內外對于心理戰的相關研究,并且對心理戰的概念進行了一次全面的梳理,從不同的角度對心理戰進行分類,回顧了心理戰的發展歷史,概括了現代心理戰與傳統心理戰相比所具有的獨特優勢。

In the introduction , the status and role of radar automatic target recognition in local war under conditions of future advanced technique are clarified , then the past , the actuality , the trend and the main tecnique approachs of the detection and target recognition in automatic target recognition are particularly summarized 本文首先闡述了雷達自動目標識別系統在高技術條件下局部戰爭中的地位和作用,著重對其發展歷程、現狀、所采用的主要技術途徑及今后的發展趨勢進行了詳細的綜述。

Local wars involving high - technology reflect the fundamental characteristics of the information era . electro - optic technology plays an important role in high - tech local wars , high - resolution information acquisition , huge - volume information transmission , super - high - density information storing , very fast information processing and lightweight flat panel displays not only be - nefit command and control , shorten the action period , but may also be applied to control weapon , improve target accutracy and promote intelligent weapons . with the wide use of electro - optic techno - logy in the battlefield , the role of electro - optic countermeasure has become more and more important 高技術條件下的局部戰爭反映了信息化時代的基本特點.光電子技術在高技術局部戰爭中扮演著十分重要的角色,包括高分辨率的信息獲取、特大容量的信息傳輸、超高密度的信息存儲、特快速度的信息處理、輕小省電的平板顯示,不僅使指揮控制更加靈活準確,作戰周期大大縮短,而且也直接用于武器控制,提高武器的打擊精度和促進武器的智能化、無人化.由于光電子技術在戰場的廣泛使用,光電對抗在戰爭中的作用日益增強

The high - tech local wars not only demand our country to make institution preparations and organization preparations for military financial mobilization , but also demand us to know the financial scale needing to be mobilized in wartime by using the methods of quantitative analysis on the basis of analyzing the situation at home and abroad 不僅要求平時對戰爭財力動員進行制度準備、組織準備,而且要求在對國家當前所處的國際、國內環境進行具體分析的基礎上,通過定量分析,掌握戰時需動員的財力規模,從而確定戰爭財力動員的具體實施方式。

To carry out the guideline that “ win the local war in high - tech condition “ , we must build a digital army to improve the battle effectiveness , that is it must has ability of communication , orientation , information getting and processing , data saving and managing , battlefield evaluating , war documents transmission , command controlling , graphics analyzing , etc . first , the paper analyses the status quo , technology background , characteristics and application of embedded geographic information system and provides the technical foundation for embedded geographic information system 為了實現“打贏未來高技術條件下局部戰爭”的總方針,必須建立起一支數字化部隊,即具有通訊、定位、情報獲取和處理、數據存儲與管理、戰場態勢評估、作戰文書傳送、指揮控制、圖形分析等能力,實現指揮控制、情報偵察、通訊等適應未來信息作戰要求的新一代作戰部隊,從而提高部隊的戰斗力。

Furthermore , carries on a thorough analysis and study of the examples of psychological warfare in recent high - tech local wars , based on that , puts forward the research conclusions of the operational patterns of psychological warfare in modern high - tech local wars , finally , points out the importance of psychological defense and the ways in carrying out psychological defense 接著,對近幾場高技術局部戰爭中的心理戰實例進行了深入的剖析與研究,在此基礎上,提出了關于現代高技術局部戰爭中心理戰作戰樣式的研究結果,最后,指出了高技術局部戰爭中心理防御問題的重要性以及如何進行心理防御。

After 1990 ' s , with the cruise missile was largely used in local wars , the technology of cruise missile and cruise missile defense has been universally attended by military experts , people and the governments all over the world . the cruise missile becomes the international weapon research focus nowadays because of many uses in strategy and tactics 隨著20世紀90年代后巡航導彈在幾次局部戰爭中的大量使用,巡航導彈技術和巡航導彈防御技術引起了世界各國政府、軍事專家和廣大民眾的普遍關注。巡航導彈既能起到戰略作用,又能起到戰術作用,因而成為當今世界各國武器研制的熱點和焦點。

The process is to actively and correctly deal with a series of contradictory relations , which lie between for example knowledge - education and value - education , culture - science - education and political - quality - education , traditional indoctrination and modern multi - media teaching , the independence of political education and the compatibility of nonpolitical education ( ) ; the discipline is to keep a series of balances , that comprise a complete education based on both integrity and profession , a synchronization of improvement of both scholarship level and ideology level , so as the growth of both knowledge level and political quality , then an organic integration of both individual desire and social requirement ; the eventual gosl is to produce highly - talented military staff with versatile quality who can successfully cope and adapt the challenge from the future hi - tech local war , and the most important point of the versatile quality it owned should be political and characteristic and professional quality 其過程就是主動、正確地處理處理好知識教育和價值教育、傳授科學文化知識和培養軍人思想政治素質、傳統灌輸教育和現代多媒體教學、思想政治教育育人的獨立性和非思想政治教育育人的包容性等一系列的矛盾關系。其原則就是堅持又紅又專全面育人,使受教育者的學識層次與思想境界同步提高,知識水平與政治素質共同增長,個人發展與社會需要有機結合。其最終目標是努力培養德才兼備、素質全面,能成功接受未來高科技條件下局部戰爭挑戰的高素質新型軍事人才。

Abstract : based on tracking research for deployment of the precision guided weapon in the kosovo war and combined with the related public information by the news medium abroad , this paper analyzes the development demands of the precision guided weapon under high - technology condition in future local war , presents the development trend of the precision guided weapon in the military technology advancing at high speed 文摘:通過“科索沃戰爭”中精確制導武器使用情況的跟蹤研究,結合近年來國外公開報道的有關資料,分析未來高技術條件下局部戰爭對精確制導武器的發展需求,提出在軍事技術高速發展新形勢下精確制導武器發展趨向。

Along with science and technique development and the variance of battle mode , the cruise missile again mounted on the stage of hi - tech local war from the 1990s , and fully exhibited the breakthrough capability of precisely beating from far distance in the low space , and then played an important role in the real war 摘要受到科學技術發展的推動和戰爭形態變遷的牽引, 20世紀90年代以后,巡航導彈再度登上高技術局部戰爭的舞臺,充分展示了強大的低空突防和遠距離精確打擊能力,實戰中發揮了巨大作用。

The earth already ca n ' t bear the heavy load , the population crisis becomes the total origin of all trouble ; the grain crisis is the challenge that faces in new millennium ; the resource crisis is a real reason which causes the local war ; fresh water makes the earth of anaemia suffer from septicaemia ; the ecocrisis becomes the green grievity ; the environmental crisis is a vindictiveness of the nature 地球已經不堪重負,人口危肇碩士學位論文mas ’ i ’ er ’ s ’ i ‘ 11工三515機成為一切麻煩的總根源;糧食危機是新千年面臨的挑戰;資源危機是導致局部戰爭的真正動因;淡水危機使貧血的地球患上敗血癥;生態危機成為綠色的悲哀;環境危機是大自然的報復。

It is concluded from the results of air defense operations in the rcent local wars that the air defense system made up of agm ( antiaircraft guns and missle ) is capable of an increased combat effectiveness of the air defense system , and how to carry out effective fire distribution is the key point in it 摘要近期局部戰爭中的防空作戰經驗表明:實施彈炮混編可以大大提高防空武器系統的作戰效能,而如何實施有效的火力分配又是其中的一個重要環節。

The result has been a bloody local war in which at least 350 people have so far lost their lives , and nearly 50 , 000 are holed up in relief camps , with little prospect of being allowed back to their villages , and harbouring well - founded anxieties about the state ' s ability to protect them 其結果是在當地發生了一場血腥的戰爭,在戰爭中目前至少有350人喪失生命,近5萬人蜷踞于難民營,回家無望,并對政府是否有能力保護他們憂心忡忡。

In the future local war of high technology , people on the armored vehicle must processabundant information in the moment of battling against the enemy target , so an automatic targettracking system is needed which hangs sensors , processor and display and so on together 在未來高技術條件下的局部戰爭中,裝甲戰車乘員要在對目標作戰的瞬間處理大量的信息,這就需要一個將傳感器、處理機和顯示器等裝置結合在一起的目標自動跟蹤系統。

The result has been a bloody local war in which at least 350 people have so far lost their lives , and nearly 50 , 000 are holed up in relief camps , with little prospect of being allowed back to their villages , and harbouring well - founded anxieties about the state ' s ability to protect them 這做成局部地方的流血事件,至少350名死者,約5000人住在避難所,只有少少的希望能夠回去自己的村落,以及到一些國家較好建設的地方避難。

The high - tech local wars happening in the future are noted for their happening unexpected and expending greatly , which makes military financial mobilization more important and makes greater demands on the preparations for military financial mobilization 未來可能發生的高技術戰爭普遍具備的突發性和高耗性特點進一步強化了戰爭財力動員的重要作用,并對戰爭財力動員準備提出了更高的要求。

Air combat has become the main combating pattern of contemporary local war equipped with high techniques . as the judging foundation of air battle , air combat threat assessment has a beneficial significance on the defeat in air battle 空戰已成為現代高科技局部戰爭的主要作戰樣式,空戰威脅估計是空戰決策依據,因此對其技術進行研究對提高空戰制勝能力具有重要的意義。

Global warming will create at least one billion refugees by 20 as water shortages and crop failures force people to leave their homes , sparking local wars over access to resources , a leading aid agency said on monday 基督徒援助會周一說,全球變暖導致的缺水和農作物產量下降,以及因此引發的資源爭奪戰,將使全球的難民到20年增加億。